Digital Campaign    |    Telemundo / NBCUniversal    |    June 2019
The Most Anticipated Comeback

After eight years, the event of the year hit Telemundo: the premiere of the new season of La Reina del Sur. Trying to leave her past behind, Teresa has to head back to Mexico to snatch back her daughter and square off against her worst enemy, Epifanio Vargas.

Led by the awesome Kate del Castillo, the series that flipped Hispanic TV on its head was promising more action, more adrenaline, and a supercharged Queen this season. Teresa Mendoza, better known as La Reina del Sur, is back in the game.

NBC Universal / Telemundo / La Reina del Sur / Trailer Digital

You Got a Date with The Queen

Both old-school and newbie fans were hyped: the comeback of an icon needed a promo campaign that lived up to all that buzz.

The badass vibe of La Reina took center stage, and the campaign rolled out in phases to amp up the user experience on the socials.

Stage 1
The Past Always Comes Back
Stage 2
Where's Sofía At?

A few of these creative gems were part of the original pitch but never hit the public eye.

Stage 3
Fight like a girl!

A few of these creative gems were part of the original pitch but never hit the public eye.

Stage 4
The Queen's Back for Her Throne

A few of these creative gems were part of the original pitch but never hit the public eye.

Catch up with the Queen

Forgot What Went Down with Teresa Mendoza 8 Years Ago? No Worries! In the weeks leading up to the Season 2 premiere, Telemundo aired a lineup of the most crucial episodes from the first season of LRDS to get everybody back up to speed.

Facebook Instant Experience

We Rolled Out an Instant Experience on Facebook. Check out the highlights of Teresa Mendoza’s life and the key moments that shaped her present. You can catch all the action right there on Facebook.

Segmented trailers

Tailored to hit the sweet spots of various audiences, each trailer catered to their unique interests.

Super Epi

Riding with Epifanio Vargas on His Road to the Mexican Presidency ee cooked up a bunch of animated assets for a fake campaign that was all kinds of fun.

Case study

The La Reina del Sur Campaign Wrapped with a Bang, we dropped a recap video of the success story, breaking down the strategy and all the assets that made it pop, all thanks to the teamwork with the Telemundo crew.

NBC Universal / Telemundo / La Reina del Sur / Case Study